1.1 Background of the Study
Every organization and industry needs the employees doing the task which is produce products, handle machines, serve to customer, and others. This is because to ensure the business operation can run clearly and smoothly. Other than that, the organization also will get the higher profit and also increase the number of customer loyalty to their organization.
Besides that, not all organization and business provide many types of task and job to their employees. For example, for employees who work as officer, professional which is architect, and doctor and others. Hospitality industry is different with other industry about certain procedure, schedule of work for all their employees and others. For instance foodservice industry, especially fast food restaurant provide job rotation to their employees.
Other than that, the issue is why the job rotation uses as a strategic to gain and achieve the goal? According to Nazer, Saeed and Ming (2010) stated that job rotation apply to organization especially for fast food restaurant because this strategic will reduce employees’ boredom and learn more skill variation. From this article, some of employee fell bore do the same position and tasks during their work at that organization.
1.2 Problem Statement
Many industries especially hospitality industries usually operate and run their business seven days per week. For example fast food establishment which is McDonald, Kentucky Fresh Chicken, Ayamas and others. This study has several issues about the job rotation and employees performance in done their task and job schedule.
1.2.1 Why the job rotation among employees will affect the performance’s employees during operation?
According to Burke, & Moore (2000) stated that rotate task among employees will give effect to the organization, satisfaction of employees, produce productivity during operation period and others.
1.3 Purpose and Objective of the Study
The purpose of the study is to identify the effect of job rotation among employees in perform their task and maintain the productivity during the operation period.
1.3.1 To identify the different of job rotation among the employees instilled in this organization
1.3.2 To investigate the relationship between job rotation among employees and the performance in operation of business.
1.5 Research Hypothesis
H1: This study is significant between job rotation and employees performance.
H2: There are having relationships between job rotation and employees performance.
1.6 Significance of the Study
The outcome of this investigate will give more knowledgeable, information, and learn about skill, why this strategic of job rotation use among employees. This is will give benefit and advantage to students, industry especially food service industry and also researchers.
1.7 Term of the Study
Fast Food Restaurant : It also known as quick service restaurant. This restaurant which is provides food, beverages and service to the customers. The price is lower than dining service.
Job rotation : According to DuBrin (2008), the definition of job rotation is a temporary switching of job assignment or job task. It also call as cross-training (Robbins, Judge, Odendaal, & Rooth, 2008)
Employees Performance : Employees performance means learn in skillful, increase the productivity, reduce the customer complaint, job satisfaction, increase the productivity and others.
2.1 Definitions of the Variable in the Study
2.1.1 Job Rotation
According to Burke & Moore (2000) said that at least 43 percent used job rotation as career development strategies to their organization. The definition of job rotation is the employees doing many type of job in certain time of period. For example, the schedule for one of employees have different duty or task every day, three time a week changes their job which is today he or she work as server, tomorrow their duty as cook and others.
Other than that, according to Nazer, Saeed & Ming (2010) stated that the definition of job rotation is the number of different workplace which is every section at workplace has different knowledge, skills and responsibility among the workers. Other than that, job rotation used as a strategic to gain objective to certain organization (Morrison & Hock, 1986). This is because job rotation will help the employees to create and learn more knowledge and skill in different function area (Neo & Ford, 1992).
2.1.2 Employees Performance
Employees’ performance means the employees who achieved the performance standard which is give a good service to the customers, can learn many skill of jobs, good in interpersonal communication, analyze, solve the problem and others (University Indiana). According to Sadikoglu & Zehir (2010) stated that the employees performances can evaluate by their customer focus which give service delivery with exceed customer’s expectation, level of absenteeism, morale and others.
Moreover, the maintain performance and increase the performance every staff and employees is an important to organization to achieve the goal and gain more profitable. This is because when employees done their jobs with good performance, it will increase the customer satisfaction, increase the productivity and reduce the cost such as leftover food at kitchen and others.
2.2 Relationships between the Variables
According to Burke, & Moore (2000) stated that there are having relationships between the job rotation and employees performance. Job rotation as a strategic to variety the skill, improve the satisfaction, reduce the boredom among employees, communication skill and others give positive effect toward performance. This is because when the employees can learn more information, they not feel boredom with their jobs, so the employees provide the good performance which is provide good service to customers, can do variety of task and others.
Other than that, the applied job rotation as a motivation toward employees (Campion, Cheraskin, & Stevens, 1994). So, this rotate task and job will increase the performance among employees. The employees feel enjoy doing their task every day. The employees can learn and master skill of job give positive and high performance during the operation of organization.
2.3 Theoretical Framework
This theoretical framework as a guideline to indentify the factor will effect between two variable. So, from this framework this study can do smoothly and get accurate data and others.
Independent Variable Dependent Variable
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2.4 Research Hypotheses
H1 : There is a significant relationship between the rotation and employees’ performance.
H1a : Variety skills among employees had significant relationship with the employees satisfaction
H1b : Motivation had significant relationship with the employees satisfaction.
Research methodology is important to every researchers before start their study, they need to planning all method they should follow, what type of sample, questionnaire, unit analysis, resign design and others. This is because it can help the researcher doing their study, investigate and as the guideline during that period of study. There are some of point need to planning when want to study any issue in industry and others problem happen during your work, receive service and others.
3.1 Research Design
Based on this issue and study, the best method to design this study is quantitative method. The purpose of this study is descriptive study because the issue which is related with this study and get more information from the secondary data which is from previous journal, books and others as references to finish my study.
Other than that, the type of investigate are correlation study which is study and investigate the relationship between two variable, which is between job rotation and employees performances. It also can call as direct relationship. This is because this study investigate job rotation trough to performance among the employees at food service industry especially fast food restaurant.
The extent of researcher interference of this study is minimal interference because this study only focus the relationship between two variables with is job rotation and employees performance in fast food restaurant. It is call as minimal because this study focuses the employees who doing the rotate task by individual.
This research is non-contrived of study setting which is field study. The field study means is to analyze the relationship this study. This study is investigate have relationship between two variable. These two variables will effect between each other or not.
3.2 Unit of Analysis
Refer the topic this study, this study will focus on individual analysis. This is because the data collect by individual of employees who do the rotate of works. From this study, the questionnaire will give the employees by individual because to get the data by individual who employees apply the job rotation in their schedule.
It also for investigate the performance every employees at McDonald who doing rotate of task. This is cannot choose by group as analysis because this study focus every persons do rotate jobs in their schedule.
3.3 Population and Sample Size
This examine will choose the According to others sources from internet which is website McDonald, total number of McDonald franchise is 194 restaurants in Malaysia (Malaysian Franchise Association). The total number of employees at McDonald is 7000 employees but not included the high position in McDonald.
A population in this study is all employees especially crew employees at McDonald in Terengganu. According this study, McDonald restaurants in Terengganu is 4 restaurants (
Other than that, this study chooses McDonald as a population because from observation on this study, the employees at McDonald applied this strategic during their operation. According the information, this study will use McDonald Dungun and Seri Kertih as a sample from population.
This sample will get from the average number employees of McDonald at Terengganu is 120 persons without number of outlet manager. From that population, this study will decide to take as a sample which is the average number employees is 60 persons.
This study will expect sample size is 60 persons of employees at McDonald will form with the project of population of the study which is this study choose seventy five percent of population McDonald employees at Terengganu.
It can calculate as follows:
144 participating McDonald Terengganu, 120 respondents (average) = 90 persons as sample |
3.4 Data Collection Method
Based on this research, this study will use a list of questionnaire about the variable for the quantitative data collection method. A questionnaire is a set of question to respondents which is a record of the data about this study. This study will choose the close ended questions. The questions are only focusing this study which is job rotation and performance among employees. This is because to ensure the questionnaire is related with two variables.
According to Sekaran & Bougie (2010), stated that to get the significance and easy to calculate the data, the type of question should not double-barrel, ambiguous, recall-dependent and others. This is because this type of question is difficult to measure with accurate result.
Besides that, the data collection use scaling method to record all the data in the questionnaire. The scaling method use as measure the data will give more accurate data from respondents. This methods use because easy to respondent to answers all question. It is also easy to key in the data in computer and SPSS data.
This study will take around 2 – 4 weeks to collect the data. This is because before qive the questionnaire toward employees at McDonald, need to ensure all the question is enough to get a complete data. It also to ensure all the employees at McDonald Dungun and Seri Kertih will answer all the questionnaires.
3.5 Instrumentation
The instrument of this study is an important to collect the data, planning the method use to get the data, time period to collect the data and others.
The instrument of this study will follow this measure for variable:
Study Variable | No. of Items | Sources of Scale | Type of Instruments | Type of Scale |
Job Rotation 1) Skill 2) Motivation | 3 2 3 | Researcher | Likert -Scale | A Seven-point Likert-Scale from (1) “Strongly Disagree” to (7) “Strongly Agree” |
Employees’ performances 1)Satisfaction | 5 3 | Researcher | Likert-Scale | A Seven-point Likert-Scale from (1) “Strongly Disagree” to (7) “Strongly Agree” |
Demographic profile | 5 | | | Nominal and Ordinal |
Table 3.5.1 Measures of the Study Variable
3.6 Plans for Data Analysis
This study will use Cronbach’s Alpha to test the scale’s reliability coefficient. Mean (variance) and standard variation will use for seek the descriptive nature of the result. After that, this study also will use Pearson Correlation Coefficient (r) refer to constant, the job rotation which is to compute and describe the nature, strength, direction and inter-correlations among two variable which is the relationship between job rotation and employees’ performance. Other than that, the Regression Analysis is will be use to test the research hypotheses.
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